Be Tech Wise! with young children

Expert advice on screen time and technology for families with children 0-5.

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the Screen Time Action Network at Fairplay have teamed up over the past several years to create the Be Tech Wise series, which provides expert advice on screen time and technology use for families with children birth through five. The series is free, easily printable, and ready-to-use as a set of waiting room materials or takeaways in pediatrician, speech-language pathologist, and other professional offices; preschools and daycare centers; and libraries and other locations. Check out the three resources in English y español, below.

Be Tech Wise with Baby!
¡Sea sabio con la tecnología y el bebé!
Be Tech Wise with Toddler!
¡Sea sabio con la tecnología y el niño pequeño!
Be Tech Wise with Preschoolers!
¡Sea sabio con la tecnología y el niño en edad preescolar!