
Whether you’re looking to learn about marketing’s impact on child development, reduce commercialism in your child’s school, or just make more space to play in your home, our resources have you covered! We’re still updating this directory, so be sure to sign up here to be notified about new additions.

Featured Resource

Unfair Impacts: How LGBTQIA+ Youth are Disproportionately Harmed by Online Platform Design Decisions

Our latest report reveals how LGBTQIA+ youth experience a disproportionate amount of risk on the internet as compared to their straight, cisgender peers to compulsive use, increased exposure to pro-eating disorder content, drug content, and other harms as a result of Big Tech’s manipulative social media platform design.

Meet Your Senator Toolkit
Screens in Schools Action Kit
Screens in Schools Action Kit

A Guide for Parents and Educators to Challenge Edtech Overuse

7 reasons to say “no” to Prodigy
7 reasons to say “no” to Prodigy
Safe, Secure, & Smart
Safe, Secure, & Smart
Your kids & Instagram Youth
Your kids & Instagram Youth

As Facebook moves forward on its new Instagram Youth platform for kids under 13, it can raise many questions for families and caregivers. Get some answers and hear how an Instagram for kids might actually be more dangerous in this resource.

Designing for Disorder
Designing for Disorder
Be Tech Wise With Preschoolers
Be Tech Wise With Preschoolers
Sea sabio con la tecnología y el niño en edad preescolar (Be Tech Wise With Preschoolers, Spanish)
Sea sabio con la tecnología y el niño en edad preescolar (Be Tech Wise With Preschoolers, Spanish)
Unfair Impacts on LGBTQIA+ Youth
Unfair Impacts on LGBTQIA+ Youth
Children & Family Nature Inspiration Guide
Children & Family Nature Inspiration Guide
Online Harms Prevention Action Kit (2.0)
Online Harms Prevention Action Kit (2.0)
Social Distancing as a Family: Screen Time Strategies and Resources for Parents of Children under 6
Social Distancing as a Family: Screen Time Strategies and Resources for Parents of Children under 6