Help protect kids from online harms!

Our Online Harms Prevention Action Kit provides:

  • Guidance and research for adults who want to help teens stay safe online
  • Strategies for recognizing and addressing online harms
  • Conversation starters to talk to teens about dangers online
  • Resources for mitigating online harms

Want to get more involved? Learn more about the Screen Time Action Network and join today!

The Action Kit was created in response to feedback from advocates and practitioners seeking research-based education and advocacy materials that are easy to use and distribute. This collection of free, downloadable resources answers that call! We hope our Action Kit serves as a practical and helpful tool to support families and mental health practitioners. We would love your feedback!

To download the entire Action Kit, click here.

Cyberbullying: The use of digital devices (cellphones, gaming consoles, computers, or tablets) to send, post, or share threatening, mean, intentionally embarrassing, or false information to someone either privately or publicly online.

Learn More about Cyberbullying:

Gaming Overuse: the steady and repetitive use of the internet to play games frequently with different gamers, potentially leading to life negative consequences in many aspects of life.

Harmful Challenges: A viral trend that uses videos on social media platforms to motivate viewers to repeat an activity witnessed in the video, without regard to potential consequences, even if it risks harming or potentially killing the participant. Viewers are encouraged to record themselves doing the challenge and then upload the video with trending hashtags for others to find.

Illegal Online Drug Sales: Online exchange of an illegal substance for money between a dealer, known online as a “plug,” and a buyer.

Online Sexual Exploitation: A range of crimes and activities involving the sexual abuse or exploitation of a child using technology. This could result in financial benefit to the perpetrator.

Learn More about Online Sexual Exploitation:

Screen Overuse: The compulsive and problematic use of digital devices for social media, streaming platforms (like YouTube), texting, gaming, pornography, online shopping, and seeking info/entertainment.

Want to help spread the word? Download our promotional toolkit today to help share these important materials!

Download the postcard below for an easy way to share the kit!

Thanks to all who have contributed to the development and launch of the Action Kit!

Special appreciation to: Julianna Arnold, Kristin Bride, Rebekah Cole, Lynn Creasy, Eric Feinberg, Maree Hampton, Brett Kennedy, Annie McGrath, Maurine Molak, Amy Neville, Lauren Paer, Jean Rogers, Judy Rogg, Peter Ryan, Deb Schmill, Joni Siani, Vinaya Sivakumar, Ashwin Verghese, Dawn Wible, and Sharon Winkler.

The Online Harms Prevention Action Kit was brought to you by Fairplay’s Screen Time Action Network. Our Screen Time Action Network is a coalition of practitioners, educators, advocates, and parents working to promote a healthy childhood by reducing the amount of time kids spend with digital devices. Membership to our network is free. Join today to become a part of our community!