It can be hard to make decisions around apps, videos, and devices for young children. But among the many parenting decisions, they can be some of the most crucial. As you consider technology for your preschoolers, it’s important to remember that the very business model through which tech companies make money can be harmful to children. At CCFC, we believe that a balance of less tech and more hands-on, active, open-ended, and creative play is most beneficial to children. That said, we know that tech plays a part in the lives of many children and families, and we’ve created this three-part guide to help you make informed, healthy tech decisions for the children you love.

Intended Audience This resource is for families with typically developing preschoolers ages 3 to 5 (and the professionals who work with them). We acknowledge that children have a diverse range of needs and abilities. This resource does not apply to infants and toddlers, as screen time is not advised for very young children.

Why Safe, Secure, and Smart?
  • Safe and secure: We look for digital opportunities for kids that don’t illegally or unethically track your child, allow predators to identify or connect with them, or expose them to inappropriate content.
  • Smart: We look for digital opportunities designed with kids’ bodies, brains, and hearts in mind. Quality technology uses child development theory and best practices to offer age-appropriate experiences.

View our Guides

This project was made possible by a generous grant from the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment.